
Author Instructions

Papers for the regular issues of the journal can be submitted, round the year, electronically at www.ijritcc.org submission panel. After the final acceptance of the paper, based upon the detailed review process, the paper will immediately be published online. However, assignment of the paper to a specific Volume / Issue of the Journal will be taken up by the Editorial Board later; and the author will be intimated accordingly. For Theme Based Special Issues, time bound Special Call for Papers will be announced and the same will be applicable for that specific issue only.

Submission of a paper implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or academic thesis) and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submission should be approved by all the authors of the paper. If a paper is finally accepted, the authorities, where the work had been carried out, shall be responsible for not publishing the work elsewhere in the same form. Paper, once submitted for consideration in IJRITCC, cannot be withdrawn unless the same is finally rejected.

Author(s) be sure that:

  1. Plagiarism Check: Good quality plagiarism software/ tool (Turnitin / iThenticate) will be used to check similarity that would not be more than 15% including reference section. In the case of exclusion of references, it should be less than 5%.
  2. Quality Check: All submitted paper should be cutting edge, result oriented, original paper and under the scope of the journal that should belong to the engineering and technology area.
  3. Paper Submission Criteria: Any one author cannot submit more than 05 papers for the same volume/issue.
  4. Review Criteria: This journal uses double-blind review process, which means that both the reviewer (s) and author (s) identities concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by three reviewer one from India and rest two from overseas. There should be proper comments of the reviewers for the purpose of acceptance/ rejection. There should be minimum 06 to 10 weeks’ time window for it.
  5. Copyright: Authors will retain copyright to their own.
  6. Template: All accepted papers should be formatted as per Journal It is be sure that contents of the paper are fine and satisfactory. Author (s) can make rectification in the final paper but after the final submission to the journal, rectification is not possible. In the formatted paper, volume no/ issue no will be in the right top corner of the paper. In the case of failure, the papers will be declined from the database of journal and publishing house.
  7. Article Processing charge: USD 600. The APC is calculated based on the number of pages and colour figures per page of the final accepted manuscript. Charges are fix 600 USD for first 10 pages. For manuscripts exceeding 10 pages, there will be an additional charge of USD 95 per additional page.
  8. Withdrawal of Published Articles: Once a manuscript is published, it is generally not possible to remove the article. However, in certain exceptional circumstances, if an author requests to have the article removed, they may be required to pay a processing fee of USD 250 for the removal. Once the payment is made, the manuscript will typically be taken down within 15 working days. It is important to note that specific policies regarding article removal and any associated fees may vary depending on the journal or publisher involved. Authors should consult the relevant publisher or journal for accurate information and guidance regarding the removal process.